Below are photo shots from our 2017 Summer Barbeque
Last Saturday the church organised a snap barbeque to take adavantage of the remaining sunny summer weather.
The event was enjoyed by members, relatives and friends. Here are some photos.
Date: September 2017
Event: Summer barbeque
Hope you join us next time around!
Happy Mother's Day
Celebration of Mother's Day
Rev. Helen saying words of appreciation for the honour and the gifts bestowed on her.
On 8th May we celebrated Mother's Day on church and on that day all mothers
are honoured and appreciated with token gifts for their motherhood. It has always
been a colourful ceremony with the presentation of gifts and flower bouquets.
Also on this day the first lady of the ministry (as the mother of the ministry),
Rev. Helen Dorkenoo was first to receive gifts and bouquets.
Below are the some of the moments captured in pictures for your enjoyment!
Date: May 2017
Event: Mother's Day
Sister Florence, president of the Women's Fellowship doing a presentation.
Two ladies; sisters Helena and Joke enjoying their rose flowers with brother Gerson as the M.C.
Still more mothers savouring the moment and their gifts.
Sisters Gillian Denise and Shirley giving the best and broadest smiles...